Lost And Then Found

Lost And Then Found

I caught a glimpse of my wedding ring as I slipped it onto my ring finger, an action that has become an everyday habit done without thinking.

I chose a half eternity ring as my wedding ring so it would look good on its own without my engagement ring. The row of tiny diamonds sparkle in the light and to my dismay I noticed a space where one of the tiny diamonds once nestled.

My first thought was, “Oh dear, I’ll never find it” and I wondered how much it would cost to replace it.

As these thoughts were going through my mind, another thought crept in saying, “Oh ye of little faith!”. Should my first reaction not have been, “Dear Lord, please show me where to find my diamond”.

I repented on the spot and then prayed with only a spattering of faith that I would actually find it. I asked God to forgive me for my lack of faith.

A couple days later I was in the bathroom going about my business. I didn’t have my glasses on but saw something glinting between two floor tiles. I thought to myself, “Could it really be?” and then, “How totally amazing would it be if it was!”.

I rushed to my bedroom, grabbed my glasses and got down on my hand and knees in the bathroom. And there it was, lying there comfortably enjoying its beautiful existence. Hallelujah!

I was reminded of when I was in Grade 7, many moons ago. I was appointed a prefect and I was tickled pink that I had been given this honour.

The regal dark blue rectangular badge with gold lettering was a tangible badge of honour and I wore it proudly. One day when I got home from school, I looked down at my lapel and all I saw was no badge. I panicked and spent hours looking for it everywhere with no success.

I was (and probably still am) a goody two shoes and I was horrified that I would have to report the loss of my badge to my teacher and be labeled as irresponsible. I prayed fervently that I would find it but had all but given up hope by the next morning.

When I got into the car the next morning, I decided that it wouldn’t hurt to take another look in all the nooks, crannies and crevices in the car. As I parted the seat cushions to look into the space under the seat, I could not believe my eyes.

There was my badge, sitting there patiently waiting for me to find it, totally unaware how its game of hide and seek had sent its owner into a flat spin. It would have had to be wedged in to get into that small space and I imagined an angel putting it there for me to find as part of a lesson from my Father in building faith.

God answers our prayers even when we barely eke out the faith needed to utter the words from our mouths.

I felt like He was demonstrating that nothing is too big or too small for Him to do. I felt like my faith got a proverbial Vitamin B shot. A real life reminder that nothing is impossible for Him.

I was challenged to believe for miracles in other areas of my life, to pray and trust Him, even with the things I feel almost ridiculous praying.

My job is to pray and to leave it with Him. God’s got it all under control and He doesn’t need my help. What He needs from me is “simply” my faith in Him.